The protest of women, who have often been enraged by unequal treatment, discrimination, exploitation and mistreatment and have used means such as civil disobedience, loud marches and provocative actions, has a tradition that goes back more than a hundred years. From the suffragette movement at the beginning of the 20th century, to the »New Women’s Movement« of the 1960s/70s, to Femen in the 2000s, to the current women’s protests in Iran. Women’s issues have been and are being taken to the streets in order to raise awareness in society, initiate discussions and move politicians to act.
What historical issues and actions were there in the women’s movement that may still be relevant today? How were the issues addressed to the public and what means were used to do so? What forms of manifestation and representation were chosen for this purpose?
Our seminar will deal with the research and evaluation of the different issues and forms of protest. You will present your research results to each other and discuss them.
In addition, you will work on your own topic »that makes you angry« and visualise it in the form of a poster. With the results we will take part in the competition »Mut zur Wut« (
Furthermore, it is planned to go on a 2-3 day excursion in the semester to Hamburg to the exhibition »The F* Word – Guerrilla Girls and Feminist Graphic Design« (, as well as to get to know the Feminist Archive and the library in the FrauenMediaTurm ( in Cologne.
This seminar can be credited towards the university-wide “Certificate in Gender Competence” Contact for further information: