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Prof. Ezri Tarazi, Israel
Meeting Times
Thu 13:00 — 15:00
Description - EN

The concept of Deep Design has many facets. Design is a ‘hub’ of various dimensions of realities, but the weaving it, in ‘Throughout’ process, is a challenge, not many, outsiders to the design world, realize or appreciate. In this workshop we will navigate into the depth of the mysterious connection between the human and the intimacy of relationship develops between us with an inanimate object. The process will go through a ‘Loved’ home product or functional object, and creating a personal ‘Cover Version’, that reflects our identity, values, qualities and inner codes.


Ezri Tarazi is a very interesting professor from Israel wants to come to KISD for one semester and offers two KP from the product area.

If you search for Prof. Tarazi on the net, you will find a
wealth of extremely interesting topics that he is working
on, so I can promise you an exciting project.


Attention! Short term project! You will need way more time than the dates mentioned here. Wednesdays will be off so you can go to your seminars.

Beschreibung - DE
The concept of Deep Design has many facets. Design is a ‘hub’ of various dimensions of realities, but the weaving it, in ‘Throughout’ process, is a challenge, not many, outsiders to the design world, realize or appreciate. In this workshop we will navigate into the depth of the mysterious connection between the human and the intimacy of relationship develops between us with an inanimate object. The process will go through a ‘Loved’ home product or functional object, and creating a personal ‘Cover Version’, that reflects our identity, values, qualities and inner codes.   Ezri Tarazi ist ein sehr interessanter Professor aus Israel, der für ein halbes Jahr an die KISD kommen will und zwei KP aus dem Produktbereich an der KISD anbieten wird. Wenn Sie im Netz nach Prof. Tarazi suchen, werden Sie ein Fülle höchst interessanter Themen finden, mit denen er sich beschäftigt, so dass ich Ihnen ein spannendes Projekt versprechen kann.   Achtung! Kurzzeitprojekt! Sie werden deutlich mehr anwesend sein müssen, als die hier beschriebenen Daten. Der Mittwoch wird allerdings frei sein, so dass Sie Seminare besuchen können.
Meeting Times
Thu 13:00 — 15:00
Meeting Location
to be announced
Priority by Semesters
High Semesters applicants are preferred.
Course Number