DKK2 Deco & Streamline: Stile schaffen Märkte
3.05.2024 —
Meeting Times
Fri 15:00 — 19:00
Sat 11:00 — 19:00
Description - EN

Design has a history. And what do you know about it? Whatever has happened, whatever has been there and why? How did people live, what did they dream of and finally, how did things look, before you were born? This means, between the modern Avantgarde of the 20th century and the fall of World Trade Center in the 21st. – and beyond that. What have been the technological, intellectual, political and economical drivers of consumption? What myths, brands and people have influenced the market? These questions will be addressed through an intensive, compact, multidimensional course, structured in many blocks that can be appreciated at anyone convenience.

When enrolling in 1-2-3 courses, the record is possible as K1 K2 or K3, for 1, 2 or 3 CPs respectively. If 4 courses are booked, the entry as a WS is alternatively possible. Points can also be awarded in the Gender & Design teaching area.

This block of the course focuses the birth of modern style-driven consumerism between 1925 and 1939. We see phenomena like Art Deco from France and Streamlining from the USA promote the first worldwide lifestyles.

Beschreibung - DE

Design hat Geschichte. Und was wissen Sie darüber? Was ist alles passiert, was hat es alles gegeben und warum? Wie hat man gelebt, wovon hat man geträumt und letztlich, wie sah die Welt vor Ihrer Zeit aus? Das heisst hauptsächlich zwischen der Avantgarde der Moderne im XX. Jahrhundert und dem Fall des World Trade Center in XXI. – und darüber hinaus. Was waren die technologischen, intellektuellen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Treiber der Konsumgesellschaft? Welche Mythen, Marken und Menschen haben den Markt geprägt? Das alles vertiefen wir in einem intensiven, kompakten, multidimensionalen Kurs, der in mehreren, voneinander unabhängig belegbaren Blöcken strukturiert ist.



Dieser Block des Kurses fokussiert die Entstehung der modernen, vom Stilwandel getriebenen Konsumgesellschaft in den Zeiten von 1925 bis 1939. Phänomene wie Art Deco aus Frankreich und das Streamlining aus den Vereingten Staaten prägen die ersten, weltweit geltenden Lifestyles.


3.05.2024 —
Meeting Times
Fri 15:00 — 19:00
Sat 11:00 — 19:00
Meeting Location
245 (Seminar)
Priority by Semesters
Low Semesters applicants are preferred.
Course Number