Design Consumption Culture
Design is history. And what do you know about it? Whate-
ver has happened, whatever has there been and why? How
did people live, what did they dream of and finally, how
did everything look, before you were born? This means,
between the modern avantgarde of the 20th century and
the fall of World Trade Center in the 21st. – and beyond
that. What have been the technological, intellectual, poli-
tical and economical drivers of consumption? What myths,
brands and people have influenced the market? These
questions will be addressed through an intensive, compact,
multidimensional course, structured in many blocks that
can be appreciated at anyone convenience.
DKK6 Postmodern Tech: Back to the Future
This block of the course focuses the coming back to politi-
cal and social order during the 1980s and the consumer’s
ambivalence between High-Tech and Retro. To go with it,
we assist to the empowerment of marketing and brands
driven by financial liberalism.