Reality has always been interpreted through the reports given by images.
Susan Sontag (1977)
In recent years, the visual landscape of our digital image culture has been irreversibly stirred by the rise of multimodal artificial intelligence systems such as DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, Imagen or Midjourney. The application of massive amounts of computational power have allowed these tools to rapidly advance in the past years, enabling them to produce near photo-realistic images and even videos.
The continued evolution and mainstream adoption of these systems have kindled many ongoing debates and discussions on the societal impact of this technology. In order to understand the fundamental implications of this addition to our visual culture, we must grasp the foundations that these modals were built upon. We will begin this seminar by diving into several seminal works on the concept of images from the twentieth century, that will aid us in understanding and deciphering what these neural networks are based on, and allow us to better speculate on where they may lead us. After laying this groundwork, we will research, analyze, discuss and of course apply generative software with the goal of collectively producing a printed zine, collecting our findings and opinions. Vision of creative utopias and dystopias, societal implications, structures of power and control, impacts on creativity and labor, as well as issues of bias, consent, authenticity and value will play central roles in this seminar. To understand the present we must know which questions to ask of the past.
NOTE: Attending the upcoming KISDconference “Hidden Layers” on the 13th and 14th of June is mandatory for all participants. Save the date!