Skill Sharing AG
19.10.2023 —
Meeting Times
Thu 17:00 — 19:00
Description - EN

We all know the feeling of not getting into a certain course, being envious of the cool stuff other people do (but you can’t) or the simple desire to discover new skills. So we’re launching a new event-series: SKILLSHÄRING! Do you have a skill you want to share? Or anything you always wanted to learn?

This workgroup will organize all upcoming skill-shäring-sessions, give you a short introduction for each skill and instructor and manage the social media channels. We’re looking forward to skill-shäre wiz yuuu! 🙂

If you want to join the AG, please contact Lukas Kostka and Daniela Meinhardt!

Beschreibung - DE
Description German
19.10.2023 —
Meeting Times
Thu 17:00 — 19:00
Meeting Location
to be announced
Priority by Semesters
A priority has not been specified for this course.
Course Number