Here you find the pictures of the presentation that I, and the ones who used my camera, took. I didn’t set the shutter speed right it seemed, so some movements are blurred. Apologies for that! There will be more pictures available on the KISDphoto page soon from someone else. (under ‘Services’ at the top)
The Friday AG just informed all presenting groups that the time is limited to 20 minutes per group. This is extremely short! So maybe we open our doors for interested students after the presentation for another 30mins in the afternoon before you rebuild everything in room 240? We will have a feedback meeting on TUE […]
To do for Tuesday / Wednesday Today: Update and fix your user stories. Remember – the user story has the purpose to communicate a dedicated “use” (and user experience) of your concept, the system and products you designed. No single step in the user story should be a commonplace, always tell what is special and […]
We will meet around 10am in R240. I kindly ask all of you to get your (needed) part(s) of the exhibition system in the basement (R58) and bring it to 240 so that we can see how exactly the individual elements will look like and how they can be put together to get a coherent […]
Find the folders here. So I’ve been putting your content into the new poster template and the A5 factsheet. Now, I gave myself quite a challenge to try and put it in for you, aiming to maintain a unified form/feeling. 😉  Along the way, I have played around with your text, got out typo’s and […]

Food is increasingly getting on the agenda of design and designers. And there is need for new approaches!

In this international project, we will research and analyse structures and processes related to food production, distribution and consumption in (future) cities (Cologne/Taipei).

We will develop possibilities of future approaches, especially in the context of increasing digitization (AI, IoT, blockchain, traceability, bait to plate, farm to fork) – and question them critically.

  • How can we design a different relation to food, its ingredients and values, its production and culture, its habits and processes?
  • How can we create new relations and values to ingredients of food?
  • How can we connect (us to) different stakeholders, especially to build relations between farmer/producer and consumer.

A part of the project team – max. 6 students – will be able to work in Taipei for a week in November, supported by students from SCID Taipei and the project group in Cologne. Details will be clarified in the first project meeting.

In Cologne, we work together with local experts and stakeholders.

At the end of the semester, both the analysis and drafts / prototypes will be presented.

In the project we refer to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular to SDG 11 and 12. Due to the topic, it might be possible to submit the results to the Cumulus Green Award (and I will encourage and support you to do so).

We will approach the project by questions we want to explore. In the beginning, we will have the opportunity to find a huge variety of questions and then discuss them – amongst us and with others . in order to find out the most relevant ones. Relevant in terms of the need to approach them and relevant to approach them from the perspective of design.

Pre-meeting: if you have questions or want to make sure that you are really in the project – or want to influence the character of the project even before it started please try to join our pre-meeting on Thursday September 26 at 12.30

First official meeting: This is mandatory for all that want to join – it will be on Tuesday October 22 at 10.00. In this meeting I want to see what your specific interest in this project is – so please subscribe to this space, contribute with some relevant questions and maybe cases as well…

Regular meetings: The regular meetings are always on Tuesday at 10.00. As I mentioned due to some travel activities we won’t meet every Tuesday, but there will be weeks where we meet twice or longer during the Tuesday meeting. There is a GoogleDoc with all our meetings (always updated). If you are not available we can arrange to connect via zoom – but always let me know before. 

Taiwan trip: the workshop in Taiwan is scheduled for November 18-23. The core group not traveling to Taipei will proceed meeting here and we will remotely collaborate via our KISDspace and zoom (see above).

We can learn a lot from existing cases and studies. Here we are collecting relevant cases how digitalisation  influences and affects food farming, production, distribution and consumption. How farmers/producers are connected to consumers, the rural to the urban.

Cases are structured around 3 core questions: What it is, Where it is and Why it is relevant. In addition, cases have tags / keywords to made them more accessible and findable. It would be great to use the comment function about the use of cases to create additional information

Here we will collect interesting experts: individuals, organisations or initiatives who are doing something we consider valuable in the context of the project. They can be (preferrably) from the area Cologne or Taipei with the purpose to meet them for an interview, invite them for a talk or a workshop, or to go for a visit or a field trip.

This is the page where we share our digital communication – in this case video messages between Cologne and Taipei to figure out what’s the best way to keep in touch. And for live connections please use

Thanks for making it through the long meeting!

Everyone knows now who is working on what, this means that the final project-teams/individuals should be clear by next week. I have set up tutoring slots for this Thursday (05/12) for those who want. This extra tutoring would be especially of value if you are unsure of your project (or team or …) as this is your last chance to tweak your topic before it needs to be crystalised next week Tuesday (10/12). Please come by, we can chat about it 🙂 Choose a slot here.

For next week on Tuesday (10/12), we will work with tutoring-slots again but then with prof. Heidkamp and me, every project-team/individual needs to book in a slot here. To enable a more profound discussion, there are 4 things we ask you to take to the meeting. 

  1. Scenario – (Storyboard, sketches, pictures, …) Show us your idea. The goal is to start conceptually shaping the ideas, while simultaneously doing research. Go very concrete, think about a place, and the actors in that place. So you can zoom out – open up again after. Not every element needs to be defined, nor is the scenario fixed. Let’s iterate this over the next weeks. 
  2. Data Ecosystem – As a common denominator (criteria), every project needs to situate itself in the data ecosystem. What does that mean? When mapping your project, show what kind of data could be gathered. Ideally marking a variety of points in your concept where data could be generated, without considering the meaning/value of that data too much yet.
  3. Experts – Show us which experts you want to approach, when you will hear them and how they can inform your project.
  4. Conversation Artefact – Bring something tangible!! A mock-up, a model, … of the product(s), service, … you are wanting to design. Of course this can (and should be) low-fidelity, but this is an exercise to materialise our conversations and to start thinking through making!! This should be a fun, designerly part, so just do stuff and try things out. There’s no right or wrong as long as you bring something.

Finally, we talked about criteria, which now hang up in the room, they are there to be challenged and expanded upon but take them into account when defining your concepts!

Yihaaaa! Let’s get through this wordy/fuzzy phase and go into a more tangible fuzzy phase! 😉 Prof. Heidkamp, you have anything to add? See you soon!

David Martens
David Martens December 4, 2019 3:03 pm

If you are registering, you can click the option “show participants” next to the title “When will you participate?” This way, you can see who already chose which slot. So you don’t pick the same. Apologies, I’ll search for a better tool to do this in the future! Cheers

Philipp Heidkamp
Philipp Heidkamp December 4, 2019 3:10 pm

David, you summed it up perfectly. Just want to add two small things: After 2.5 months of working, exploring, talking and excited explorations of emerging opportunities we need to decide now for the framing and direction for each team member and team. So the things mentioned are not only required to “enable a more profound discussion”, they are absolutely required to keep your projects going…and please use the momentum that is there that we as a group with different backgrounds, interests, experiences, competencies are realizing something really good together. But this requires focus, concentration and commitment to a decision you have to make now – and work on it. See you next Tuesday!

Anna Luz Joséphine Pueyo Kirwan
Anna Luz Joséphine Pueyo Kirwan December 9, 2019 2:37 pm

Me and Clara have to assist the A to B project for the next two weeks. We have to be there at 10:30 tomorrow so I will try to see with Matea if we can swap our slot to ten. See you then!

Philipp Heidkamp
Philipp Heidkamp December 9, 2019 7:49 pm

What are the slots for tomorrow?

Jeldrik Kirschbaum
Jeldrik Kirschbaum December 9, 2019 11:39 pm

I’m in that project as well but I think I might be able to sneak out for the meeting.

Anna Luz Joséphine Pueyo Kirwan
Anna Luz Joséphine Pueyo Kirwan December 9, 2019 11:44 pm

Me and Clara are at 10am, Matea at 10:20!